Monday - Friday : 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Performed on a live track with 2, 2017 identical trucks treated vs untreated
Emissions and Fuel test for 1,585 km test with amazing results
Tested in China 2 identical trucks same route 21 months 8 months treated
Tested in China 2 identical trucks same route 21 months to compare
Compression test 23% increase & 14% increase Horsepower
Summary performed by Dekra, Caterpillar, DRD, Recoo, Costal Lab & Owners
Immediate results on Dyno with an increase of 15 HP & 140 Lbs/Torque
Applied & drive 40km on highway and passed emissions, amazing results.
Italy Particulate Matter Reduction Italy Particulate Matter Reduction
Results displayed how dirty the oil became after 5000 km with treatment
Japan laws require test to be performed at different locations
125,000 km on oil with a By-pass filter, drop in abrasive soot and wear
2 engines treated with 320 hrs vs 12 hrs untreated look at the wear count
Before, during treatment and drained the oil for after results