• Monday - Friday : 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Maximizing Performance with Engine Armour Tech™

Engine Armour Tech™ is a standout product in the boat market, offering an all-in-one solution for engines, transmissions, and hydraulics. Unlike other brands, it’s highly effective, suitable for various boats, and ensures exceptional performance for years. Plus, it promotes fuel savings, reduces emissions, and requires just one annual application.

Carbon buildup in the engine is a common issue, leading to reduced performance, increased fuel consumption, and higher emissions. Engine Armour Tech™ prevents this by ensuring a film of oil always remains on engine components, enhancing compression, promoting complete combustion, and reducing emissions for better performance.


ENGINE ARMOUR TECH™ is a breakthrough preventative maintenance solution, acting as a “lubrication” treatment for engines. It’s a non-reactive, ceramic liquid sealer that offers comprehensive protection for engines, transmissions, gearboxes, and hydraulic systems via oil penetration.


Engine Armour Tech™ treatments have undergone rigorous testing by numerous independent laboratories and have accumulated 15 years of experience in boats and transport trucks in Canada, as well as in over 10 other countries. These tests have yielded substantial evidence of the product’s effectiveness. Additionally, oil sample testing consistently shows that treated oil is in better condition, exhibiting reduced wear on engines. Fleet managers have reported significant improvements in both short-term and long-term performance, efficiency, and durability.

  1. Improves performance
  2. Improves fuel efficiency
  3. Reduces emissions
  4. Extend oil life
  5. Extend engine life
  6. SAE J1321 TYPE II (Fuel Economy Test)
  7. ASTM D7216 Oil Compatibility with Typical Seal Elastomers
  8. ASTM D4172 Wear Preventive Characteristics of Lubricating Fluid

Engine, Twin Disc & Hydraulics instructions

Harmonic Vibrations & Your Health

Low-frequency vibrations, like those created by boats or machinery operating at 24 Hz or similar frequencies, have been linked to motion sickness in some people. Motion sickness, which includes seasickness, occurs when the visual and balance systems in the body conflict with each other.

How Motion Sickness Happens

When the body moves, like when a boat rocks or machinery vibrates, the visual system may think that the body is not moving while the balance system feels otherwise. This conflicting information can result in motion sickness symptoms such as:

  1. Nausea
  2. Dizziness
  3. Vomiting

Factors Affecting Motion Sickness

Not everyone has the same level of sensitivity to low-frequency vibrations. Some individuals may experience motion sickness after being exposed to these vibrations for extended periods. Other factors that can contribute to motion sickness include:

  1. The movement of the boat
  2. Individual susceptibility

Ways to Reduce Motion Sickness

If you tend to get motion sickness, there are various strategies that can help alleviate your symptoms:

  1. Apply Engine Armour Tech to reduce the harmonics which helps many in preventing motion sickness
  2. Stay hydrated throughout your journey.
  3. Avoid eating heavy meals before traveling.
  4.  Focus your gaze on the horizon or a fixed point to stabilize your visual system.

By following these tips, you may be able to minimize the effects of motion sickness and enjoy your time on board! And remember, using Engine Armour Tech can greatly reduce harmonic vibration from both the engine and transmission, which is something both the Captain and Crew would greatly appreciate!

For 4 Stroke Gasoline Engines

4 & 6 Cyl Gas Engine 2oz / 177ml

8 Cyl Gas Engine 4oz / 118ml


50 Hp to 200 HP Diesel Engines

For Diesel Engine 50 to 100 HP

For Diesel Engine 100 to 150 HP

For Diesel Engine & 150 to 200 HP

200 Hp to 600 HP Diesel Engines

For Diesel Engine 200 to 299 HP

For Diesel Engine & 300 to 600 HP

Twin-Disc Transmission

Engine over 600 HP treatment calculator

Hydraulic fluid treatment calculator

Shop By Category

Make a selection below to determine the required dosage of Engine Armour Tech to a vehicle or equipment of your choice. If you have any questions concerning the treatment or quantity, please contact us we will be happy to assist you in providing the required dosage for your vehicles or equipment, anywhere that requires lubrication.